Monday Motivation

Everyone has the day of the week when we decide to get “it” together. “It” means something different to everyone. It could be getting organized, drinking more water, getting back to the gym, sticking to the meal plan you created, etc.

Mondays are my day and my “it” is getting back to drinking green smoothies. I know some people have a real aversion to the thought of “drinking” spinach, but hear me out! It’s an easy and delicious way to get in a serving of leafy greens. The key is to make sure you add banana- it cancels out the heavy green flavor. The way I make it isn’t anything new, but if this is your first time dipping your toes into the green smoothie waters you may find you enjoy it!

My go-to Green Smoothie

1 cup fresh Spinach

1/2 frozen banana

1 cup fresh or frozen berries

1/2 tablespoon Flax seed oil

2+ cups water, milk or dairy free milk

1 scoop vanilla protein powder (optional)

Depending on the consistency you prefer add more or less water.

Blend until smooth. Enjoy and get after “it”!


Growing Radishes


Potato, Kale and Sausage soup